This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
For fullstendig annonsetekst, se annonsen hos
For fullstendig annonsetekst, se annonsen hos
For fullstendig annonsetekst, se annonsen hos
For fullstendig annonsetekst, se annonsen hos
Kunnskap som formar samfunnetGjennom eit sterkt og tett samspel med omverda - globalt, nasjonalt og lokalt - skal vi medverke til eit samfunn bygd på kunnskap, ferdigheiter og haldningar.Vil du vere m...
We are looking for a motivated and solution-oriented Project Engineer who enjoys technical challenges and collaboration. You are structured, precise, and eager to contribute to high-quality project de...
Ready to take your career to the next level? Kongsberg Discovery is the place for you. Join us as Senior Project Controller. We are looking for a curious, highly motivated, and proactive professional ...
Position as Senior Consultant at the Department for Breast and Endocrine surgery, Akershus University Hospital, combined with Professor II/Associate Professor (20 % position) at the Institute of Clini...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
Vi søker etter to nye kollegaer til dagtidsstillinger ved Rehabiliterings og mestringsavdelingen; én 100% og én 50%.Avdelingens medarbeidere består av fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter, idrettspedagog, ...
Fauske kommune har fokus på tidlig intervensjon og øker satsingen på forebygging. I den forbindelse søker vi nå etter en dedikert medarbeider som vil inngå i kommunens hukommelsesteam. En viktig oppga...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
The positionA PhD position is available at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, within the Microbial Pharmacology and Population Biology (MicroPop) research group, led by Prof. Pål ...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
The positionA position as Associate Professor in Biomedicine is available at the Department of Medical Biology (IMB), Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT the Arctic University of Norway. More than 200 sta...
Job Purpose:We are looking for a dedicated Supplier Quality Engineer who can join our multicultural team in Stavanger, Norway . The position is responsible for the qualification, monitoring and manag...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus on professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...
Om stillingenUniversitetet i Stavanger har ledig stilling som stipendiat i offshoreteknologi ved Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Institutt for maskin, bygg og materialteknologi.Stillingen er...
Are you looking to make a real impact? For over a century, our people have been the driving force in solving some of the world’s most pressing issues – and we hope you’ll join us in solving the next c...
Preparedness coordinator will operate under the Safety Department, and report to the Director of Safety. Preparedness coordinator will have the responsibility for managing tasks related to planning, c...
This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU...